Monday, March 30, 2009

Fun Crazy Weather!

So tonight we got warning of a possible thunderstorm, then a warning came on that Keller was going to get hit in about 20 minutes so Taylor and I rushed out and moved his Honda up really close to the house and duct taped a bunch of blankets and crap to the car (we'll see if it helped in the morning when we unwrap it) Then we sat back and watched the crazy storm hit! Here are a few pictures of the hail. We actually didn't get hit as hard as some surrounding town reported baseball size! We ran to the house nextdoor afterwards and checked out they're car that was left out and they got a couple of nasty dents!
Yes, that is hail falling.
big stuff!

This is during the storm, we got more.


Rhitzclan said...

Holy crap! Hopefully the car is OK! That is nuts.

Tonya said...

Oh my gosh! That is crazy! HOw is everything going for you guys??

The Bills family said...

Holy Hail!!! I never realized how small your hands are! ..... or that is some big hail.

Unknown said...

We got lucky, we never got the hail, just the rain and storms! How was Taylor's car?