Friday, June 26, 2009

Holy Crap it's HOT

So summers in Texas suck for lack of a better word. We cannot go outside. Being 7 months along does not help. But, we get BORED so we decided to take some pictures today........
I told Maggie to smile for the picture and I swear she knew what I said!

Poor Charlette, she puts up with alot of LOVE

Nathan didn't hold still for long

Jaecie is always up for a photoshoot

Hmmm... well, that kept us entertained for about 4 minutes... now what are we going to do for the rest of the day? I'm up for a nap!


Jill Van Ausdal said...

pretty dang cute! I am getting excited for some Nathan and Jaecie hugs!( I know I won't get one from you or Taylor unless I force it on you!)Hang in there with the heat! It's MUCH nicer here in beautiful Utah!

Haley said...

I hate the heat! Good luck not going crazy! Hope you are feeling good.

The Bills family said...

Don't worry when you get here I will let you lay down, put your feet up and I will find a great big palm leaf or something to fan you with. And maybe feed you grapes or something!

Rhitzclan said...

I can't believe how big they are getting! Did you get another dog? Maggie is totally smiling in that picture!

janeil said...

I love the picture of Jaecie and the bunny although you can't really tell it is a bunny:) And Nathan is huge so cute!

Melanni said...

Your kids are so cute! Summer+being pregnant sounds not fun. I bet Jaecie is getting excited to have a new baby in the house soon!